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About US


The Department of Communication provides an undergraduate program and a graduate program. The graduate program founded in 1993, has been the very first graduate school of mass communication to be established in southern Taiwan. “Convergence of Telecommunication” has since been set as the core principle for education and research. The department started to offer the undergraduate program in 2001.

Characteristics of Department

  • Emphasis on digital convergence, cross-media communication and interdisciplinary learning.
  • Comprehensive curriculum design covering fields such as communication policy and regulation, media economics and management, media culture and society, media technology and society, digital content production/design.
  • Quantitative and qualitative research abilities are equally emphasized; critical thinking, political economics and cultural studies are especially emphasized; international as well as local perspectives.
  • Emphasis on theoretical understanding as well as essential skill development of cross-media integration.


Students graduating from our department find jobs in the following fields (in proportional order): communication-related (over 60% of undergraduates; over 70% of graduates), non-communication industry, continuous study inland or abroad for a higher degree, and government organizations.


Four types of admission for undergraduate program are available:

(1) via national entrance examination,

(2) personal application to school,

(3) high school recommendations, and

(4) students of outstanding athletic performance.


Two types of admission for graduate programs are available:

(1) personal application/interview and

(2) entrance examination.

A special admission procedure by placement is specifically designed for overseas Chinese students.



Address:No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Minhsiung, Chiayi 621301, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Phone: 8865-2721176,

Fax: 8865-2721186,

Mail: telcom@ccu.edu.tw

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