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Victoria Y. Chen



Victoria Y. Chen

Associate Professor

Department of Communication & Graduate Institute of Telecommunications, National Chung Cheng University



University of Texas at Austin, School of Journalism 
Dissertation committee: George Sylvie (chair), Alan, Albarran, Iris Chyi, Maxwell McCombs, Thomas Johnson. 

National Taiwan University, Institute of Journalism 
Master of Arts
Thesis: “The Study of News Homogeneity, From an Organization Perspective” 

National Cheng-Chi University, Department of Journalism 
Bachelor of Arts, Major in journalism; minor in law 


2023 Visiting Scholar. University at Buffalo. Short-term Research Abroad. National Science and Technology Council. 

2022 Visiting Scholar. Communication Visiting Scholar Program. "Communicating/Miscommunicating the COVID-19 Pandemic on Digital Media." The School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

2022 Juror of Excellent Journalism Award. The Foundation of Excellent Journalism Award. 

2022 Evaluating Committee Member. Department of Broadcasting and Content. National Communications Commission, NCC. 

2019 Visiting Scholar. Communication Visiting Scholar Program. “Social Media and the Boundary between Public and Private.” The School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Chen, V. Y
., & Liu, K. C. (Accepted). In the Name of the Pandemic: Exploring COVID-19 online discourse. Mass Communication Research. (In Chinese) 

Chen, V. Y., & Liu, K. C. (2022). Framing Analysis of Taiwan’s Same-sex Marriage Referendum Movement on Facebook. Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 12(1), pp. 77-112. (In Chinese)

Chen, V. Y., & Lin, T. M. (2020). To Be or Not To Be? The Media Tragedy of Attentional Commons on Facebook. Mass Communication Research. 144: 1-47. DOI: 

10.30386/MCR.202007_(144).0001 (In Chinese) 

Chen, V. Y. (2020). Examining news engagement on Facebook: Effects of news content and social networks on news engagement. Mass Communication and Society. (SSCI), Impact Factor: 1.79 (2019: 37/92) 

Masullo Chen, G., Ng, Y. M. M., Riedl, M. J., & Chen, V. Y. (2020). Exploring how online political quizzes boost interest in politics, political news, and political engagement. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17(1), 33-47. (SSCI), Impact Factor: 1.771 (2019: 40/92) 

Chen, V., & Pain, P. (2019). News on Facebook: How Facebook and newspapers build mutual brand loyalty through audience engagement. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. (SSCI), Impact Factor: 2.03 

Holton, A., Lee, A. M., & Chen, V. Y (2019). Unpacking overload: Examining the impact of content characteristics and news topics on news overload. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. 

Chen, V. Y., & Chen, G. M. (2020). Shut down or turn off? The Interplay Between News Overload and Consumption. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 28(2). 1-13. (Online First

Pain, P., & Chen, V. (2019). This Reporter is so Ugly, How can She Appear on TV? Negotiating gender online and offline in Taiwanese media. Journalism Practice, 13(2), 140-158.
(SSCI), Impact Factor: 1.678

(The study is covered by Journalism Research News http://journalismresearchnews.org/article-taiwanese-female-journalists-face- online-harassment/

Chen, V. Y., & Pain, P. (2018). What changed public opinion on the same-sex marriage issue? New implications of attribute measures and attribute priming in media agenda setting. Newspaper Research Journal, 39(4), 453-469. 

Chen, G. M., Pain, P., Chen, V. Y., Mekelburg, M., Springer, N., & Troger, F. (2018). ‘You really have to have a thick skin’: A cross-cultural perspective on how online harassment influences female journalists. Journalism, 1464884918768500. (SSCI), Impact Factor: 2.119 

Chen, V. Y. & Pain, P. (2017). News Sources and The Same Sex Marriage Issue: Through The Lens of The Agenda Setting Theory. The Agenda Setting Journal, 1(2), 158-179.

Research Projects 

COIVD-19 News framing and misinformation network analysis. (PI). NO. MOST 110-2511- H-194 -005 -MY2. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. USD 63,534 

The influence of social media on news brands, news engagement and willingness to pay. (PI). NO. MOST 109 - 2410 - H - 194 – 022. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. USD 30,000 

Another look at when correction fails: The backfire effects of misperception on social media. (PI). NO. MOST 108-2410-H-194 -082. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. USD 28,360 

The beauty or the threat? The impact of social media on news content providers. (PI). NO. MOST 107-2410-H-194-002. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. USD 2,8360. USD 21,100 

Book Chapter 

Chen, V. Y. (Forthcoming). Facebook and news media in Taiwan. In Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies (ETS). Brill, UK. 

Pain, P., & Chen, V. Y. (Forthcoming). The LGBTQ activist on social media: Analyzing LGBTQ activism online in India and Taiwan In Global LGBTQ Activism: Social Media, Digital Technologies, and Protest Mechanisms. Routledge. NY. 

Chen, V. Y. (2021). Examining news engagement on Facebook: Effects of news content and social networks on news engagement. In Social Media News and Its Impact. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-032-01685-6 

Chen, V. Y. (2018). Book review of Trials and error: U.S. newspapers’ digital struggles towards inferiority (Hsiang Iris Chyi). Mass Communication Research. 136: 223-232DOI: 10.30386/MCR.201807_(136).0006 (In Chinese) 

Peer-reviewed academic conference papers 

Chen, V. Y. (2022, May). What hurts news credibility on social media? Examining social networks and news emotional involvement affect news credibility on Facebook. Paper accepted for presentation at International Communication Association Annual conference. Paris, France. 

Chen, V. Y., Liu, K. C. (2022, Jan). Topic Modeling and Network Analysis of Taiwanese Online Discourse Related to COVID-19. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, virtual. 

Chen, V. Y. (2021, June). Too much information to make an efficient consumer decision? An examination of product information seeking, consumer knowledge, and social media influencer exposure. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese Communication Association. virtual. 

Chen, V. Y. (2020, June). News platforms and news ecosystems: The impact of news aggregators. Paper accepted for presentation at biennial conference of the International Telecommunications Society. Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Chen, V. Y. (2019, Jan). Framing analysis in social media: The case of same-sex marriage movement and public participation in Taiwan. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK. 

Chen, V. Y. & Pain, P (2018, November) News on Social Media: Engaging Readers and Building News Brands. Paper presented at Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Pain, P & Chen, V. Y. (2018, November) Reaching Diverse Audiences: LGBT Activists on Social Media in Taiwan and India. Paper presented at Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Pain, P & Chen, V. Y. (2018, August) The LGBT activist on social media: Analyzing LGBT activism online in India and Taiwan. Paper accepted for presentation at AEJMC Annual Conference. Washington, DC. 

Holton, A., Lee, A. M., & Chen, V. Y. (2018, August). Re-examining news overload: Effects of content characteristics and news topics on selective scanning and avoidance. Paper accepted for presentation at AEJMC Annual Conference. Washington, DC. 
(3rd Place Top Faculty Paper in Newspaper and Online News Division)

Chen, V. Y. (2018, May). The tensions between news content providers and distribution platforms? Paper accepted for presentation at ICA Annual conference. Prague, Czech Republic. 

Chen, V. Y. & Lin, T. M. (2018, May). The dilemma that news publishers face on Facebook. Paper presented at the World Media Economics and Management Conference. Cape Town, South Africa. 

Chen, V. Y. & Pain, P. (2017, November). Mediating the media:
Facebook and the dissemination of news online. Paper presented at
Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, annual conference, Chicago, IL. 

Chen, V. Y. & Pain, P. (2017, August). Facebook and newspapers online: Competing beings or complimentary entities? Paper presented at AEJMC Annual 

Conference. Chicago. (Top student paper in Media Management, Economics and Enterpreneurship Division

Chen, V. Y. & Pain, P. (2017, May). This reporter is so ugly, how can she appear on TV? ” Negotiating gender online and offline in Taiwanese media. Paper presented accepted at the ICA Annual Conference. San Diego. 

Chen, V. Y. & Pain, P. (2017, March). Gendered practices in Taiwanese newsrooms: An exploratory study. Paper presented at AEJMC Mid-Winter
Conference, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication (University of Oklahoma) in Norman, Oklahoma. (Top abstract from the Commission on the Status of Women

Pain, P. & Chen, V. Y. (2016, November). Who told you that? Examining the agenda setting power of sources in mainstream and alternative media. Paper presented at Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Pain, P. & Chen, V. Y. (2016, August). When I ask a question, they look at me strangely. Paper presented at the AEJMC Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. 

Ng, M., Chen, G. M., & Chen, V. Y. (2016, August). Quizzical Attraction of Online Personality Quizzes: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective. Paper presented at the AEJMC Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. (3rd place, 2016 Gene Burd Faculty Research Paper Competition

Chen, V. Y., & Pain, P. (2016, June). What changed public opinion on the same sex marriage issue? New implications of attributes in media agenda setting. Paper presented at the ICA Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. 

Holton, A., Lee, A. M., & Chen, V. Y. (2016, June). Extending explications of news overload: Effects of content and topic specific factors on selective scanning and news avoidance.” Paper presented at the ICA Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. 

Chen, V. Y., & Pain, P. (2016, May). Media sources and the same sex marriage issue: Through the lens of the agenda setting theory. Paper presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research. Austin, TX. 

Chen, V. Y. (2016, May). Dancing with the giants: A case study of the partnerships between news publishers and online service companies. Paper presented at the World Media Economics and Management Conference. New York. 

Chen, V. Y. (2015, November). Ten-Year trend analysis of agenda setting effect on same-sex marriage Coverage. Paper presented at Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, annual conference, Chicago, IL. 

Chen, V. Y. (2015, October). The causes and consequences of news overload. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC International Regional Conference in Santiago, Chile.


Academic Awards 

2020 The Selection of Innovative Research and Development Results by Young Scholars Award. Taiwan Comprehensive University System 

2020 Promising Young Scholar Research Award. National Chung Cheng University 

2020 Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Social Science, National Chung Cheng University 

2018 Recruiting Outstanding Scholars Award, The Ministry of Science and Technology. 2017 Recruiting Outstanding Scholars Award, The Ministry of Science and Technology. 2017 Maxwell McCombs Graduate Student Research Publishing Award, UT Austin, 2016 Travel grant: $1,000, School of Journalism, UT Austin 

2015 Travel grant: $1,000, School of Journalism, UT Austin, 

2014 Travel grants: $750, School of Journalism, UT Austin, 

2013 College Recruitment Award: $10,000, School of Journalism, UT Austin, 

2013 Graduate Dean's Prestigious Fellowship Supplement Award: $1000, School of Journalism, UT Austin 

2012 Dr. Sun Yat-sen Scholarship: $ 87,000, Kuomintang, 


Independent Film Director, Tusita Hermitage, Kuching, Malaysia. 
Filmed, edited and produced two short films about meditation. 

TV Show Director, Sanlih E-television, Taipei, Taiwan.
TV show: Stories in Taiwan (nominated Best Travel TV show in Golden Bell Award). 

Documentary Executive Assistant, Next Media, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Journalist, American ICN TV Network, Los Angeles, U.S. 

Journal Editorial Assistant. The Journalist Forum, published by Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan UniversityTaipei, Taiwan. (Feb. 2007- Dec. 2008) 

News editor, reporter, anchor. Taiwan television digital mobile radio. Taipei, Taiwan Taiwan television digital mobile radio is the first digital radio station in Taiwan. 


Journal article reviewer 

Journal of Media Economics
The International Journal of Press/Politics
Chinese Journal of Communication
International Journal of Public Opinion Research
Asian Journal for public Opinion Research
The Agenda Setting Journal
Chinese Journal of Communication Research
Mass Communication Research (in Chinese)
Journal of Communication Research and Practice (in Chinese) Journal of Communication and Culture (in Chinese)
The Journal of Information Society (in Chinese) 

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